As an individiual or as a company you will be a member of a collaborative Platform and a Network where you can find every tool and support to solve your problems and develop innovative competitive products. You can also use the Platform as your office and contribute with your know how and Consultancy skills and be a business partner.
INNODARE Platform is your One-Stop INNOVATION-HUB to support you to devise your own innovation management system and excell in innovation.
The following are the main services for the members with discounted prices or free according to the membership level through a team with more than 100 years of experience,
Access to INNODARE Innovation Management Methodology and related tools
Access to patent pending Intelligent Insight Development Process for Delphi Analysis and to develop requirements for your customers needs
Access to Insight Development for UN Sustainable Development Goals
Access to INNODARE Library and know-how
Input and royalty possibility for INNODARE know-how and tools
Support for consortium building for R&D funding such as EU HORIZON Europe programme
Part-time, full-time, distance or in-place working Expert recruitment support through T-Office
Network and extend your ecosystem to improve your business through new customers
Ask for support for your challenging innovation requirements
Announce your challenging problems to the network asking for best solutions from best international experts
Editorship opportunities in the Platform
Present your innovative products and patents and search for your needs
A Platform for knowledge and experience accumulation within your company
A Platform for "Innovative Idea Management"
A Platform for written brain storming
INNODARE is an ever-growing and continuously improving PLATFORM in line with changing world of technology and innovation and in line with the members' requirements. For more information